• Currently, if a homeowner defaults on a mortgage used to purchase his or her home -- known as a “purchase money mortgage” -- the homeowner's liability on the mortgage is limited to the property itself.  Unfortunately, the original law did not extend the purchase money protection to loans that refinance the original purchase debt, even if the refinance only was to obtain a lower interest rate.
  • Californians who refinance a property currently do not have protection if they default on a mortgage greater than the property’s value. Called a “deficiency” liability, under current California law, the lender can sue the former homeowner for the amount of the deficiency even after taking back the property.
  • Recent years of low interest rates and aggressive marketing campaigns by lenders have induced tens of thousands to refinance mortgages.  Few homeowners realized that by refinancing their mortgage, they were forfeiting their protections and now are personally liable.

County Properties, 24 years of brokerage experience, trust and a Member of the local Better Business Bureau! We offer free counseling in real estate regarding; home values and information on options of selling vs. Foreclosure.If you have equity in your home, we will sell your home and get top dollar in this challenging market at www.countyproperties.net/. If you do not have enough equity, and you must sell your property as a short sale we have the expertise to do so also and close escrow in 45-60 days or less. Learn more about mortgage relief options and how to take advantage of our FREE REALTOR (R)  CONSULTATION & ATTORNEY SERVICE.  or go to www.ShortSaleRealtors4U.comPlease feel free to contact me today for free counseling at (619) 301-0200 click http://www.shortsalerealtors4u.com/By the way…if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service in real estate we provide, please call me or have them go to www.CountyProperties.net and I’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.